Pre-Accession Impact Studies
Study no. 10. State Aid Control in The Sensitive Sectors – Coal, Steel, Shipbuilding, Motor Vehicles
Authors: Gheorghe OPRESCU (coord), Isabela ATANASIU, Mariana PAPATULICĂ, Petre PRISECARU
Study no. 9. Romanian Pension System during the Transition: Major Problems and Solutions
Authors: Marian PREDA, Cristina DOBOŞ, Vlad GRIGORAŞ
Study no. 8. Features of Bankruptcy in the Romanian Economy. Comparative perspective and analysis
Authors: Daniel DĂIANU (coord), Dragoş PÎSLARU, Liviu VOINEA
Study no. 4. The European Security and Defence Policy – A Factor of Influence on the Actions of Romania in the Field of Security and Defence
Authors: Liviu MUREŞAN (coord), Adrian POP, Florin BONCIU
Study no. 3. The Implications of The Adoption of Acquis Communautaire on Financial Control in Romania
Authors: Paul FUDULU (coord), Ene DINGA, Cristinel CHIŢU, Laurenţiu CALAICAN
Study no. 2. Strategies of Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in the Perspective of Romania’s Accession to the European Union. Romania’s Monetary Institutions and Policy: Meeting the EU Challenge
Authors: Daniel DĂIANU (coord), Laurian LUNGU, Radu VRÂNCEANU