Previous projects

TJENI project, Council of Europe – EIR (1 August 2023 to 1 April 2024)

A Key Access to EU Rights – EUReKA, (Grant Agreement No. 826666 – REC-AG-2018/REC-RCIT-CITI-AG-2018 (AG))

Implementation period: 15 July 2019 – 14 December 2021.

Consortium: IDOS (project leader) and ten partners from six European countries (Romania, Croatia France Germany, Italy, and Portugal)

The project aimed to: i) identify best practices in six EU Member States; ii) develop an innovative web portal and an application for the online access of EU mobile citizens to practical information, assistance and geolocated services; iii) empowering them through information and advice; iv) ensure the relationship/cooperation between the public/private stakeholders; v) support the visibility and dissemination of results.

The project activities were grouped into four work packages (WP) and distributed according to the expertise and added value brought by each partner.

More information on the project is available here.

Consolidating and promoting Romania’s position as a relevant actor in the decision-making process at the European level (code SIPOCA/mySMIS no. 400/115759)

Implementation period (EIR): October 2019 and October 2020

Consortium: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (project leader), Secretariat-General of the Government, European Institute of Romania (European Studies Unit) and École Nationale d’Administration.

The core activities included:

  • Running 5 workshops, one for each thematic analysis, between 29 January and 13 February 2020;
  • Organising 5 public debates, one for each thematic analysis, in March and April 2020;
  • Elaborating the final version of each thematic analysis by the team of researchers.

More information on the project is available here.

Towards a Citizens’ Union

Implementation period: 2017-2020

Consortium: Centre for European Policy Studies (project leader), Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (Austrian Society for European Politics), Carnegie Europe, Centre for Liberal Strategies, European Institute from Bulgaria, Institute of International Relations (Ústav mezinárodních vztahů), Think Tank EUROPA,, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, Latvian Institute of International Affairs Institute of Public Affairs from Poland, WiseEuropa, European Institute of Romania, Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Real Instituto Elcano (Elcano Royal Institute), Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, Centre for European Reform

The core activities included:

  • As requested by the project, a series of three collective volumes on topics such as direct democracy, representative democracy and democratic accountability have been published between 2018 and 2020;
  • The first volume has been drafted and published in November 2018 and it includes a chapter on Romania, written by Mihai Sebe and Eliza Vaș;
  • The second volume has been drafted and published in May 2019 and it includes a chapter on Romania, written by Mihai Sebe, Bogdan Mureșan and Eliza Vaș;
  • The third volume has been drafted and published in March 2020 and it includes a chapter on how can technology facilitate citizen participation in the EU, written by Mihai Sebe, Bogdan Mureșan and Eliza Vaș;

More information on the project is available here.

Informing and improving communication on EU Cohesion policy in Romania (2018-2019)

The main goal of the project was to raise awareness among the Romanian general public of the instruments and impact that the EU Cohesion Policy entailed for the country`s development and to facilitate debates and experience exchange among relevant stakeholders with respect to current and future EU funded projects.


  • An online section on to promote all the project materials (articles, press releases, the Conference Paper);
  • One set of original visual identity elements to be used in the branding of all the project`s materials;
  • Specialized articles (interviews, news, analyses) published on and promoted on and Facebook;
  • Promotional documents;
  • 250 participants in the project`s events;
  • Online informed persons:
  • 000 unique viewers for the project`s materials on all online dissemination platforms,
  • 000 number of sessions,
  • 000 impact on Facebook.

More information on the project is available here.

Professional training for teaching personnel (negotiated tender PN/8-2013/BUC, Representation of the European Commission in Romania).

Project budget: EUR 59,660

Implementation period: December 2013- December 2014

Consortium: EIR (Projects Unit, Training Unit) and the Ministry of National Education

The purpose of this project is to provide at national level training sessions in European Affairs for 323 teaching professionals. The courses will take place in the training centres in BucharestTimişoara and Bacău, with each centre being allocated its neighbouring counties. Thus, participation is ensured for teaching personnel from all 41 counties of Romania and from the 6 sectors of Bucharest. The teaching professionals involved in the project will make up a group of national trainers, which will aim to promote, update and modernise the contents and teaching methods of lessons on the European Union, its policies and institutions and on the citizens’ obligations and European citizenship.

Selection of host structures for the Information Centres of the Europe Direct Network 2013-2017

Implementation period: 2013 – 2017 (Framework Agreement)

According to the provisions of the Partnership Framework Agreement (PFA) No. AC9/2013-2017, concluded on 27 March 2013 between the Representation of the European Commission (REC) in Romania and EIR, the Institute is the host institution for the Europe Direct Information Centre (EDIC Bucharest)

The PFA is concluded for a 5 year period (2013 – 2017) and Specific Agreements are to be concluded for each year providing the annual activity plans for EDIC Bucharest approved in accordance with procedures laid down in PFA. As host structure, EIR coordinates and implements the specific EDIC Bucharest activities: basic information services, management of the website content, an electronic newsletter, editing and issuing publications, production of promotional materials for promoting EDIC Bucharest etc.

The activity of EDIC Bucharest started on 1 January 2013. The official launch of the Centre took place on 8 March 2013 with the debate Gender equality: guarantee for economic growth and a sustainable society, an event organised in partnership with the Representation of the European Commission in Romania and the Information Bureau of the European Parliament.

For further information, please visit:

Facilitating the transition from school to active life for students in Economics – International Affairs, project co-financed from the European Social Fund (POS DRU), contract cod: POSDRU/90/2.1/S/62955

Implementing period: January 2011 – March 2014

Beneficiary: Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest (Faculty of International Economic Relations).

Partners: European Institute of Romania, Ovidiu University of Constanţa, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest, Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Navigation Constanţa, SC SOCEP SA, Banca Comercială Română, Ensight Management Consulting SRL, Eurogroup SAS France.

Project budget: LEI 11,168,004 (of which EIR budget LEI 944,484).

The general objective of the project was to correlate the qualifications and skills of students in the field of Economics– International Affairs with the specific requirements of the labour market acquired only through practice, at the inter-regional and trans-national level.

As project partner, EIR had the task of instructing the students who chose an internship at the Institute in order to become acquainted with this kind of organisation. At the level of EIR the project was implemented by a team of experts from the operative departments and units.

Project results (entire partnership):

  • 430 students benefited from internships throughout the project;
  • 66 interregional internships;
  • 38 internship tutors were trained;
  • 34 prizes in the form of work visits at the trans-national partner Eurogroup SAS, France.

For further details, please visit: or Facebook.

Technical assistance for the organisation of two national conferences on the communication priorities of the European Commission and technical assistance for organising monthly roundtables (PN 7 – 2012 BUC)

Beneficiary: the Representation of the European Commission in Romania

Project budget: EUR 33,000

Implementation period: 20 July 2012 – 20 July 2013

The project was implemented by a team of experts from the Communication and Marketing Unit (project manager, an expert in communication/events organisation, responsible also for the procedure and public procurement, an expert in graphic design/DTP), as well as an expert from the Training Unit (communication/event organisation expert).

The events organised in the period September 2012 – July 2013 were attended by 1,116 participants, of which 103 speakers, as follows:

  • The European Union at crossroads? (19 September 2012): 95 participants in the audience, 9 speakers;
  • Strengthening the single market and stimulating economic growth – progresses, obstacles and priorities (30 October 2012): 70 participants in the audience, 5 speakers;
  • The enlargement strategy of teh European Union and its main challenges (20 November 2012): 71 participants, 5 speakers;
  • Women in the public life (18 December 2012): 65 participants in the audience, 10 speakers;
  • EuroTeam Romania: perspectives of the Economic and Monetary Union for 2013 (28 February 2013): 85 participants in the audience, 13 speakers;
  • Making the EU energy market more efficient (12 March 2013): 113 participants in the audience, 11 speakers;
  • Growth and competitivity models in the European Union (4 April 2013): 82 participants in the audience, 8 speakers;
  • The European Union at crossroads (II) (14 May 2013): 94 participants in the audience, 6 speakers;
  • Which way goes Romanian capitalism? The economic growth model post 1989 (10 June 2013): 83 participants in the audience, 10 speakers;
  • National values in the European context (27 June 2013): 77 participants in the audience,  6 speakers;
  • The economic crisis and the European social model ( 29 May 2013): 135 participants in the audience, 12 speakers;
  • The process of enlargement of the European Union (10 July 2013): 137 participants in the audience, 14 speakers.

For further information, please visit:

 „The New EU diplomat: beyond democracy defending, partnership leader: Slovak Atlantic Commission. Partners from Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Czech Republic and Romania (public institutions, universities and NGOs). Financing was ensured by the European Union through the program Youth in Action.

Period of implementation: January – June 2013.

The project The New EU Diplomat: Beyond Democracy Defending was created with a view to increase the involvement of the youth in active European citizenship in order to enable their participation in a creative and dynamic way in the democratic processes, in order to give them more information on EU diplomacy, EU delegations, and the decision-making processes in external affairs and for a better understanding of the external relations of the EU  after the launch of the European External Action Service.

Its objective was to develop a better understanding between potential EU leaders from 4 European countries (Germany, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Romania) in an interactive and innovative way. The project was organised as a multicultural learning program for young leaders with the ambition to become future diplomats or EU specialists, with e-learning sessions and also interactive modules in the 4 capitals of the countries involved in the project between February – June 2013 as follows: Budapest (11-13 April 2013), Berlin (25-27 April 2013), Bucharest (16-18 May 2013) and Bratislava (6-9 June 2013).

Preparing Moldova for a comprehensive free trade area with the European Union
The main purpose of this project was to assisst the administration of the Republic of Moldova in the negotiation process of a deep and comprehensive free trade area with the European Union. The local partner of EIR is the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives – IDIS Viitorul with headquarters in Chişinău. The main activities within the project are: training (two training courses for representatives of the central administration of the Republic of Moldova, carried out in Chişinău on April and September), research (elaborating a study by the selected Romanian and Moldavian experts), communication (organizing a conference/debate at Chişinău in which the evaluations of the training courses and the results of the research, that is the study, are presented). The total amount indicated in the financing contract for the carry out of the project during January – September 2011 is 18,275 USD. The financing has been offered by Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation Program, an initiative of German Marshall Fund.

Project documents

– Executive Summary of the study “The consequences of a deep and comprehensive free trade area over the economy of the Republic of Moldova” pdf
– Study “The consequences of a deep and comprehensive free trade area over the economy of the Republic of Moldova” (full text available in Romanian) pdf
– Annexes (available in Romanian) pdf

Opinions expressed in the written or electronic publications do not necessarily represent those of the Black Sea Trust, the German Marshall Fund, or its partners.

PN 2011-11BUC negociated tender for obtaining training services for teachers
The aim of this project is to offer 9 training sessions on the European affairs field for 305 teachers around the country in Bucharest, Iaşi and Cluj. The teachers involved in this project will form a group of national trainers made of primary school and high school teachers promoting the updating and upgrading the contents and teaching methods in lessons about the European Union, its policies and institutions, the rights and duties of citizens and the European citizenship. The contract has a value of 59,469 EUR for the period October 2011 – September 2012. The project has been presented following the tender launched by the Representation of the European Commision in Romania.

EuranetPlus 2017-2019
EuranetPlus is an international radio project through which European themes are produced and broadcasted with the financial support of The Directorate-General for Communication. The project was implemented between 2017 and 2019.

In this project, the European Institute of Romania (EIR) was a partner of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company through Radio Romania International (RRI). EIR published weekly on its website summaries of five articles on European Affairs prepared by Radio Romania International with links to the articles on the website of Radio Romania International. At the same time, EIR sent weekly to RRI a minimum of two articles on European themes to be published by the project partner on its website.

The project included receiving, preparing and publishing the articles prepared by the RRI journalists on the website of EIR. At the same time, the EIR experts elaborated  and sent to Radio Romania International articles on European theme focused on the events organized by the institute, on the conferences at which EIR was represented, on the launching of strategy and policy studies (SPOS) coordinated by EIR, activities implemented by  Europe Direct Information Centre hosted by EIR , on the activities implemented by EIR and financed by different donors and on information materials with legal content about the rights of European citizens.

The articles sent by the EIR experts can be read here.

Every content created was posted on the websites of Radio Romania International , Euranet Plus menu, on Facebook and on Twitter.

Through this partnership EIR has sent for publishing on the Euranet website 140 articles on European themes based on the events organized by the institute and has received for publishing over 270 articles from Radio Romania International.

Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company has been awarded by the European Institute of Romania in 2014 with the Excellence Prize – for promotion of European values.

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