Study no. 14. The New Economy and Romania’s accession to the EU

Authors: Aron JINARU, Alexandru CARAGEA, Geomina TURLEA


Study no. 13. Romania’s industrial policy and EU accession

Authors: Lucian CROITORU, Corneliu RUSSU, Cornel TARHOACA


Study no. 12. Romania and EU measures against economic and financial crime

Authors: Petre Paul FUDULU, Adrian BABOI STROE, Lucian Liviu ALBU, Elena SIMONOVA, Codru VRABIE


Study no. 11. The implications of adopting the acquis communautaire for the Romanian constitution

Authors: Ioana CORNESCU, Monica MACOVEI, Oana DUŢESCU


Study no.10 B. Options for reducing Romanian social insurance contributions

Authors: Constantin CIUPAGEA, Geomina ŢURLEA, Bianca PĂUNA


Study no. 10 A: The Romanian social insurance system and EU accession

Authors: Mihaela LAMBRU, Bogdan CHIRIŢOIU


Study no. 9. EU cohesion policy and Romania’s regional economic and social development

Authors: Gabriel PASCARIU (coord), Manuela STANCULESCU, Dorin JULA, Mihaela LUTAS, Edith LHOMEL


Study no. 8. Romanian special development zones and EU state aid policy

Authors: Gabriela DRAGAN, Isabela ATANASIU


Study no. 7. Transposing EU norms on indirect taxation (VAT and excises) to Romania

Authors: Daniel DĂIANU, Claudiu DOLTU, Dragoş PÎSLARU,


Study no. 6. The impact of transposing EU quality systems upon selected Romanian industrial sectors

Authors: Nicolae DRAGULANESCU, Şerban Lucian BROCHE


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