Debate „Tech Race: EU in the Crosshairs for Global Technological Supremacy”

The 29th edition of the Economic Forum took place in Krynica (Republic of Poland), during 3 – 5 September 2019.

The Economic Forum is the largest conference in Central and Eastern Europe. Every year, the Forum brings together more than 4,500 international guests. These include political, economic and social leaders, as well as approx. 600 journalists. The guests usually come from over 60 different countries of Europe, Asia and America. The Forum’s mission is to create a favourable climate for the development of political and economic cooperation between the EU Member States and their neighbours.

Over three days, participants had the opportunity to attend plenary sessions and more than 200 debates and round tables which provided updated and impartial information regarding current economic and political issues.

Starting with 2012, the European Institute of Romania (EIR) has been a partner of the Institute for Eastern Studies (Instytut Studiów Wschodnich, Warsaw), the main organizer of the event, in preparing a panel debate within the Forum.

Tech Race: EU in the Crosshairs for Global Technological Supremacy was the topic proposed for debate within this year’s edition. The panel moderated by Mrs. Alina Bârgăoanu, PhD Professor, Dean of the College of Communication and Public Relations (NUPSA) and President of the Administrative Board of the EIR, benefited from the contributions of Mr. Bart Tkaczyk, Expert on Strategy, University of California (USA), Mr. Soren Peters, CEO, Gain & Co (Denmark), Mrs. Małgorzata Gleń, Director, KPMG Poland, Mr. Zoltan Csefalvay, Senior Scientist, Joint Research Centre, European Commission (Hungary).

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