SPOS 2023 – The role of regional cooperation mechanisms in the current geopolitical context. Opportunities and challenges for Romania
Authors: Octavian-Dragomir JORA (coord.), Marius-Cristian NEACȘU, Cezar TECLEAN
SPOS 2023 – The European integration process in the Western Balkans. Romania’s perspectives and orientations
Authors: Miruna BUTNARU-TRONCOTĂ (coord.), Cristina BĂRĂGĂNESCU, Marius GHINCEA, Radu-Vladimir RĂUȚĂ
SPOS 2023 – Building a resilient European economy by 2040. Romania’s integration into European value chains
Authors: Daniela STAICU (coord.), Eugenia GUȘILOV
The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union – advancing the legislative agenda and preparing the reflection process on the common European future (available in Romanian)
Authors: Oana-Mihaela Mocanu, Caroline-Raluca Ghețu
WP no. 50: The dynamics of cooperation and conflict in the Black Sea area. From the region’s history to current security challenges
Authors: Ioana-Elena Secu
WP no. 49: The attitudes and perceptions of Romanian youth regarding the European Union (available in Romanian)
Authors: Iorgus-Serghei Cicală
State of the European Union 2023. Europe is the answer to the call of history
Authors: Oana-Mihaela Mocanu; Mihaela-Adriana Pădureanu
WP no. 48: European Political Community: opportunities and challenges (available in Romanian)
Authors: Caroline Raluca Ghețu
WP no. 47: The Eastern Partnership in the context of the Russian military aggression against Ukraine. Perspectives regarding the new geopolitics of the European Union (available in Romanian)
Authors: Ioana Elena Secu