Expert meeting hosted by the European Institute of Romania regarding the Three Seas Initiative

On 21 June 2023, the European Institute of Romania (EIR) organized an online meeting with experts from several European countries. The event was a follow up to the collective report published by EIR in April 2023, titled “Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing the common agenda. The main objective of the meeting was to facilitate an expert discussion on the future of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), in anticipation of the 2023 Bucharest Summit, having as a starting point the contributions to the report. The meeting was conducted under Chatham House rules.

Main ideas discussed:

  • The Three Seas Initiative (3SI) is first and foremost a political project focusing on economic cooperation and development. The different outcomes of the increased inflation and the development prospects in the region led to a variety of measures that influenced the 3SI project. This is why the upcoming national and European elections may determine new political actions either to increase cooperation within the format or to target other pressing issues.
  • The ongoing war against Ukraine prioritised the security concerns on the agenda and reshuffled priorities. In this context, the European Union is coordinating its actions with NATO. EU strategies need to be combined, including the internal and external aspects of security. Cooperation in the region becomes more important than ever; there is a need to strengthen and deepen it.
  • The war against Ukraine gave new impetus to non-EU countries to explore possibilities outside the EU partnership. The increase in the number of countries involved in the 3SI may lead to a surge in outputs, but also in administrative burdens. Therefore, it is important to avoid duplicating the efforts and use what we already have.
  • The prospects of the 3SI extension are welcomed by all participants. Whether the participation of Georgia, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine will be formal or have a different specific form of involvement, it is a matter of opportunity. Essentially, the 3SI provides considerable and much-needed room for cooperation and regional integration.

Recommendations for the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit:

  • Develop the institutional infrastructure of the initiative (e.g., creating a secretariat/contact point);
  • Incorporate a much-needed scientific research/academic dimension, including by hosting a thematic panel within the summit.
  • Increase visibility and the number of communication actions with regards to the 3SI among the general public, civil society actors, and governments.
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