AFTIPA: Anti-Fraud Training Initiative for Public Administration

Between April 2023 and September 2024, the European Institute of Romania (EIR) is implementing the AFTIPA: Anti-Fraud Training Initiative for Public Administration project.

The project is initiated by EIR and financed by the European Commission, through the EUAF – 2022 – TRAI funding line.

The project’s aim is to deliver a package of anti-fraud trainings to a minimum of 675 professionals who work in public procurement departments, in the control bodies of ministries and other state institutions, but also to other categories of public administration personnel at central and local level that are involved in attracting and managing EU funds.


  • Developing a multidisciplinary package of 3 courses that seeks to answer the most important questions related to the prevention of fraud and corruption in relation to EU funds: 1. What can be purchased with these funds? 2. How can a person prevent or combat a fraudulent act? 3. If the act has already been commited, how can someone report it and what protection does he have in this case?

The training program will include the courses Preventing and combating corruption, Public procurement, Whistleblowing in public adminsitration, to be provided in the form of classroom courses held in Bucharest and aimed at professionals working in the central public administration.

  • Transpunerea pachetului de cursuri menționate mai sus în format de tip e-learning, accesibil pe o platforma de învățare dinamică și care va putea fi parcurs în ritm propriu, acest segment fiind destinat personalului din administrația publică locală.
  • Transposing the above mentioned training package into e-learning courses that can be accessed and completed asynchronously on a dynamic learning platform, aimed at local public administration personnel.

Activities are grouped into three WP workpackages, namely:

  • Project management, monitoring and evaluation (WP1);
  • Synchronous classroom courses for the central administration (WP2);
  • Asynchronous e-learning modules for local administration (WP3).

The project’s budget is 114,294 euros, of which 91,435 euros represents the contribution of the European Commission, and 22,859 euros represents the contribution of EIR.

The project team consists of nine EIR experts, of which four experts are assigned to its specific, technical themes, one is assigned to project management, and the remaining four perform support roles (procurement, IT, financial, communication).

The implementation period is 18 months.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

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