WP no. 52: The Marvel of Social Market Economy – Things We Do Not Talk About

Authors: Iulian Oneașcă


WP no. 51: From Synergy to Strategy in the Black Sea Region. Assessing Opportunities and Challenges

Authors: Collective publication (coord. Oana-Mihaela Mocanu and Mihai Sebe)


Interview with Mr. Jacques Pelkmans – The EU and its single market are nowadays well-accepted and well-understood foundations for Romania


Benefits and challenges of the euro

Authors: Adam Kerényi


Interview with H.E. Mr. Luca Niculescu – Romania’s accession process to the OECD


SPOS 2023 – The role of regional cooperation mechanisms in the current geopolitical context. Opportunities and challenges for Romania

Authors: Octavian-Dragomir JORA (coord.), Marius-Cristian NEACȘU, Cezar TECLEAN


SPOS 2023 – The European integration process in the Western Balkans. Romania’s perspectives and orientations

Authors: Miruna BUTNARU-TRONCOTĂ (coord.), Cristina BĂRĂGĂNESCU, Marius GHINCEA, Radu-Vladimir RĂUȚĂ


SPOS 2023 – Building a resilient European economy by 2040. Romania’s integration into European value chains

Authors: Daniela STAICU (coord.), Eugenia GUȘILOV


The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union – advancing the legislative agenda and preparing the reflection process on the common European future (available in Romanian)

Authors: Oana-Mihaela Mocanu, Caroline-Raluca Ghețu


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