A new project cycle for EuranetPlus 2023 – 2024
Radio Romania, the public service radio, is participating in a new cycle of the EuranetPlus editorial project between February 2023 – December 2024, with the financial support of the European Commission (DG Connect). The current project is a continuation of the previous ones implemented under the name European Radio Project (ERP)/Euranet, becoming afterwards EuranetPlus, though which European themed articles and content were produced on air and online in different languages of the European Union.
Participants in the new project cycle are: Radio România Actualități, Antena Satelor, the local radio studios of Radio Romania and Radio Romania International, with on air production of 47.5 minutes per week and articles written especially for the online and also Radio Romania Cultural with a weekly 5 minutes podcast.
Some of the content created in the project is shared or rebroadcasted by project partners such as European Institute of Romania (EIR). During the implementation of the project, EIR will publish on its website and its social media accounts news with a European theme created through the activities of the project. Radio Romania International will publish weekly at least one article on a theme connected with the activities of the European Institute of Romania.