The European Institute of Romania (EIR) is pleased to announce the publication of the studies within the project Strategy and Policy Studies (SPOS) 2022. The researches focused on themes supporting the process of elaborating and substantiating Romania’s strategies and policies in the post-accession period.
The theme of the first study was Food security, as an element of the Common Agricultural Policy and Romanian agriculture in the European context. Challenges for 2023 – 2027 (coord. Lucian Luca). The study aimed to examine the current state, as well as identify the opportunities and challenges to Romania’s food security, and highlight those policy elements stimulating resilience in this field. The research proposes a series of recommendations regarding the development of the food industry, the increase of degree of processing agricultural raw materials in Romania, in accordance with the environmental and climate objectives, as well as regarding the simplification and efficiency of accessing existing funding sources at the European and regional level relating to food security.
The second SPOS study focused on Interconnectivity in the European Union – challenges for the future of transport policies in 2030 (coord. Daniela Staicu). The research aimed to analyse the current state of the transport sector and interconnectivity in Romania, considering the opportunities and challenges generated by the twin green and digital transition. It also highlights the relationship between the European sources of funding and the gaps in the transport sector. The recommendations advanced reflect the European Union’s strategy for sustainable mobility, with reference to the 2022-2030 time frame.
The third study focused on the theme of Youth and climate change: policies and response measures at European level (coord. Andrada Istrate). The authors analyse the attitudes and mentalities of young people in the European Union regarding the subject of climate change and the efficiency/effectiveness of European policies in this area. The study examines the current understanding of consumption models and living standards and of the economic and social effects, including on youth, of the measures to combat climate change. The study proposes a series of measures to increase the level of involvement of young people in shaping and updating European policies in the field of climate change, and includes recommendations from young people regarding climate change, that foresee ensuring conditions for the continuity of energy and raw materials supply, and the affordability of the economic consequences.
The studies are available, in Romanian, on the EIR’s website here. Each research includes an executive summary in Romanian and in English.