On Friday, 22 March 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Minister Delegate for European Affairs, and the European Institute of Romania (EIR), in partnership with Bucharest University of Economic Studies, will organise a conference on the “Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy”.
The event is included in the events calendar of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and aims to bring into focus a topical issue for EU as a whole: the CAP reform in the context of the current negotiations regarding the next Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027).
Representatives of the European and national institutions, the Romanian Academy, research organisations and academia, civil society, mass media etc. will also take part in the event.
Participation already confirmed by:
- Alan Matthews, Professor Emeritus of European Agricultural Policy, Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Melania-Gabriela Ciot, Secretary of State for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mihail Dumitru, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
- Maria Gabriela Zoană, Vice-Chair, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament
- Siegfried Mureșan, Vice-Chair, Committee on Budgets, European Parliament
- Gabriela Crețu, Chair, European Affairs Committee, Senate of Romania
- Florentina Tudor, Director-General, Directorate-General for Rural Development AM PNDR, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Valeriu Tabără, PhD, President, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu-Șișești”
- Nicolae Istudor, PhD, Rector, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- Gabriela Drăgan, PhD, Director-General, European Institute of Romania
- Cecilia Alexandri, Director, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy
- Daniela Giurcă, Researcher, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy
- Alexandra Toderiță, Director, Romanian Centre for European Policies
- Gheorghe Hurduzeu, PhD, Dean, Faculty of International Business and Economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
- Gabriel Popescu, PhD, Faculty of Agrifood and Environmental Economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
The pre-registration session is now closed. For further information, please contact Mrs Liliana Comănescu, Expert, Communication and Marketing Unit, EIR, tel. 021 314.26.96 (97), extension 147, e-mail liliana.comanescu@ier.gov.ro.