2 April 2012 – The event was attended by Leonard Orban, Minister for European Affairs, Florin Pogonaru, Chairman of the Administrative Board of EIR and Chairman of the Businessmen’s Association of Romania, Niculae Idu, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Romania, as well as by the authors of the SPOS 2011 studies: Daniel Dăianu, professor at SNSPA, Member of the Romanian Academy, Moisă Altăr, professor at Bucharest AES, Valentina Vasile, Director a.i. of the Institute of National Economy, Cecilia Alexandri, Research Fellow at the Institute for Agricultural Economics. The event was chaired by Gabriela Drăgan, Director-General of the European Institute of Romania and by Agnes Nicolescu, Head a.i. of the Studies and Analyses Unit of the EIR.
The series of strategy and policy studies (SPOS) published by the European Institute of Romania aims at offering elements for substantiating the policies after accession and the positions of Romania concerning the European construction. Within the project carried out in 2011, the research covered topic areas relevant for the current European evolutions and in which Romania is involved: The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy in the context of the post- 2013 budgetary perspective; Euro Plus Pact Adoption: Implications for Romanian Fiscal Policy; European semester: ensuring a sustainable economic growth through sound public finances: lessons for Romania from the perspective of the public finances’ sustainability point of view; The analysis of the evolution of EU social policies in the last three years: supplementary/private pensions and the impact of an ageing population.
Presentation – Daniel Dăianu
Presentation – Moisă Altăr
Presentation – Valentina Vasile
Presentation – Cecilia Alexandri
For the full text of the studies in pdf format, click here