Conference: “Food and water resources security: between European perspectives and national realities”

The European Institute of Romania, in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Romania Foundation and EURISC Foundation, organised  a conference “Food and water resources security: between European perspectives and national realities”.

The official session of the conference featured speeches by Mr. Iulian Fota, Presidential Adviser, MrSorin Encuţescu, State Adviser at the Prime-Minister’s Cabinet, Mr. Adrian Pană, Secretary of State, Ministry of Health, Ms. Elena Dumitru, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Mr. Viorel Morărescu, Director, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The theme sessionswere attended by representatives of the relevant institutions, experts and researchers from the academic environment, representatives of the producers and processors in the food industry etc.

The event was also attended by representatives of public institutions and public authorities responsible for food security and water resources security, academics, researchers, representatives of the business environment and of the civil society, students, mass-media etc.

The conference report and the presentations sustained by the experts are available on the website

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